A 3-Month Deep Dive for Sexuality Practitioners, Tantrikas, Tantric Masseuses, Conscious Kinksters & Sex-Positive Professionals
14th August – 23rd October 2022

The School of Erotic Mysteries is committed to excellence and empowerment in the field of sexuality and is offering this course for current practitioners who also wish to achieve excellence.
This intensive course will be based on all that we at the School of Erotic Mysteries have learned by working in the field of sexuality since 2010. If you are a practitioner wanting to take your offering to the next level of professionalism or you are about to embark on your career in the field of sexuality this course is designed with you in mind.
This course will be unlike the others we have run in that it will have a significant homework component. This is a deep dive into yourself and to understand how you can best practice your erotic skills in a safe and powerful way.

This course will help you to:
- Get clearer on who your target audience is and learn to communicate better with them
- Get clearer on what you have to offer and how you can best deliver this
- Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
- Get clear on your boundaries and learn how to communicate these in the best way possible.
- Improve your relationship with money (!!!)
- How to maximise the chance your clients have a safe and powerful experience
- Ritual journeys with archetypes to support you in understanding yourself and making your sessions more powerful
The Sunday Sessions course includes:
- 5 x 75 mins private coaching calls
- Endless support by private message helping you fine-tune your work
- 6 fortnightly classes from August 14th until October 23rd covering the essential themes of working in the industry
- Lots of homework that will help you tune in to your exact offering and help you understand and attract your ideal clients
- Access to our previous 2 pre-recorded courses Level Up and Getting Conscious With Kink
One of the intentions behind running this course is that all participants will have an increased awareness of the impact they have in the world by working in the field of sexuality.
This course will increase your skill and maximise your safety for yourself and your clients.
The intention is that within a short space of time, any money spent on course fees will be recouped in full. (Of course, this can’t be guaranteed)

Course Structure
First Private Call – Setting intentions and goals. Understanding the nature of the work
Class 1 – Introductions, definitions, intentions, archetypes. What are your gifts?
Class 2 – Who is your ideal client? How can you most effectively speak to them?
Class 3 – Boundaries, consent, safety, privilege, power. Keeping yourself and your clients safe.
Class 4 – Money Money Money and your own erotic body.
Class 5 – Healing and empowerment. Erotic ritual.
Class 6 – Launching yourself into the world
Final Follow-up call – Helping ensure you are really ready to serve your clients in the most beautiful and powerful way possible.
There are also 3 private calls to take place at your leisure of the 3 month period
A certificate of completion is available to all who finish the course. This can help with insurance and marketing.

Enrol Here!
About the Trainer
Seani Wild Love
Seani Wild Love (he/him) has been teaching workshops and running private sessions in the field of sexuality, ritual and kink since 2010. He has helped thousands of people make peace with their erotic nature and has helped hundred of practitioners create safe and profitable sex positive businesses in this time.
In 2015 he was one of the winners of Sex Worker of the Year at the Sexual Freedom Awards. Some of his work in featured in the award-winning film Touch Me Not.
Please email us on eroticmysteries@gmail.com if you have any questions about Level Up Pro.

Price Options
There are 12 spaces available on this course.
£2400 // Full Access – Paid in Full
3 Payments of £900/month
Enrol Here!
We recognise that the sexuality profession of work is largely dominated by white, able-bodied facilitators. We want to actively encourage and warmly welcome any people of colour, transgender or non-binary people, disabled, and neurodivergent people to join this course if they feel called. If you fall into any of these categories/groups, and/or you cannot afford this training for any reason, please get in touch at eroticmysteries@gmail.com – we would love to discuss options including pricing plans.
Small print
This course is comprised of 6 classes over 12 weeks. The course will have a maximum of 12 participants. We start August 14 with fortnightly classes finishing October 23rd (7pm Sydney time, 11am UK time).
2700gbp for the whole course. There is an option to pay monthly in instalments of 900.
If you pay in full in advance the course price drops to £2400.
The course includes 5 x 75 minute zoom calls (one before, three during and one at the end).
If the course doesn’t go ahead for any reason, you’ll be refunded in full.
If you are unable to attend and if there isn’t time to find a replacement, you’ll normally receive a refund equal to 50% of the amount owing to you.