Sat 29 Apr 2023 4:00 PM – 8.00PM BST
Sun 30 Apr 2023 10AM – 6:00 PM BST

* Saturday 29th, 4pm-8pm, Beginner’s Introduction to Conscious Kink
Here we are taking the opportunity to introduce beginners to the wonderful world of Conscious Kink!
* Sunday 30th, 10am-6pm The Rituals Of Kink
On the Sunday, we are diving deeper and exploring how kink and ritual can combine to create some fantastic journeys. This event is not suitable for absolute beginners.
You can buy tickets for the full weekend, or for each individual day.
**About Conscious Kink**
Conscious Kink is the act of bringing conscious awareness and self-enquiry to BDSM techniques. Conscious Kink helps us expand our understanding of our bodies, our subconscious patterns, our sexualities and thus ourselves. With a strong emphasis on boundaries and consent, Conscious Kink gives us a diverse set of tools that allow us to expand our sexuality, be more confident with our lovers and play partners, and become more empowered as self-aware erotic beings.
On the Saturday you will learn about:
* The use of ritual and intention to create safe spaces
* Boundary setting, consent and safety techniques
* Deepening connection through conscious touch
* Giving and receiving pain and pleasure with intentional BDSM skills
* Service, sovereignty and surrender
* Eroticising the authentic dynamics of domination and submission (D/s)
* Giving, receiving and holding power
On the Sunday we will explore:
* The many ways Conscious Kink, Fetish and BDSM can be approached in a ritualistic way
*How energy can be moved and shifted using BDSM technique
* How to access archetypes and how this can bring personal empowerment
* How ritual and erotic connection go beautifully hand-in-hand
* The potential healing benefits that come about through conscious exploration of kink and sexuality.
** Facilitation **
Seani Love ( is a professional Kinkster, Shadow Explorer and BDSM practitioner who has twenty years of experience in diverse ritual traditions and erotic practices. In 2015 he won the award of Sex Worker of the Year at the Sexual Freedom Awards in London.
He is certified trauma-informed (via the Arizon Trauma Institute) and since 2006 he has been working on combining ritual journeys with BDSM as a powerful pathway to healing and self-discovery. As an international workshop facilitator, Seani has supported many people on their journey to places of increased power, personal and sexual expression, wisdom and love.
** Practical Information **
Both workshops will take place at a lovely studio in London. They run on 29th and 30th April 2023 (Saturday 4pm – 8pm, Sunday 10am – 6pm)
** Prices **
Saturday only: 100/80 Early Bird
Sunday only: 140/120 Early Bird
Both days: 180/160 Early Bird
Early bird is available until 21st April.
A limited number of concessionary places are available at this workshop. Please get in contact with Eugina at to reserve.
In order to be able to give each participant the attention they need through their process during the weekend, we have decided to keep the group small, with a maximum of 30 participants per workshop.
For any questions, please get in touch with Eugina at
People from all backgrounds, sexualities and genders welcome.
There is no gender matching during the exercises at these workshops.